E.ON Romania achieves a strategic business management with Corporater.

E.ON Romania Achieves a Strategic Business Management with Corporater

Corporater Business Management Platform sets up Performance Management at E.ON Romania.

E.ON Romania reported in 2015 revenue of 1.1 billion euros. It is a subsidiary of Germany-based E.ON SE, one of the world’s largest investor-owned electric utility service providers. E.ON SE is a component of the EURO STOXX SO stock market index.

“We strongly recommend the team and the solution for any business looking to take the next step in performance management and strategy execution monitoring.”

Anamaria Acristini-Georgescu, Balanced Scorecard Program Coordinator | E.ON Romania

E.ON Romania is a supplier of natural gas and electricity in northern Romania and serves approximately 3 million customers.


Energy & Utilities

Customer Statistics

6 subsidiaries

650 employees

20,000 km of gas distribution lines

81,000 km of power grid

Solutions Used

Performance Management


E.ON Romania wanted to step up its performance management by enhancing its Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach. This upgrade would factor in complex performance relationships among different areas of the company. As is standard practice with the Balanced Scorecard, E.ON Romania would drive a core set of companywide objectives down through the business. These objectives would be causally linked to each other, balancing short-term results with long-term, sustainable development. The objectives would be spread across the four standard BSC perspectives.


When compared to other BSC and similar solutions, the Corporater Business Management Platform offered several appealing benefits:

  • The credibility of a certified solution that has been approved by BSC pioneers Robert Kaplan and David Norton
  • An exceptionally user-friendly interface. Employees do not need to work in IT to be able to manage the platform. They can add scorecards, strategy maps, objectives, and initiatives all with minimal support
  • Scalability to multiple layers of scorecards within the business. Each team can have its own objectives and measures that support a companywide strategy
  • An optimal mix of price and quality that delivers high value
Corporater Business Management Platform at E.ON Romania

During implementation, the Corporater team provided constant support for E.ON Romania. Staff at the utility found the Corporater team to be committed and keenly interested in their business. Requirements shifted as the implementation progressed, but Corporater was able to flexibly respond. Once training and implementation were completed, employees across the company were able to use the platform for everyday management of the business, with little support required.

“A dedicated project manager, together with her team, supported us on a daily basis – sometimes even on weekends – and committed to deliver to our standards.”

— Anamaria Acristini-Georgescu, Balanced Scorecard Program Coordinator | E.ON Romania


The implementation of Corporater at E.ON Romania led to:

  • Strategic, Proactive Business Management

    E.ON Romania now uses the Corporater Business Management Platform to manage its core strategic objectives, as well as linked objectives at various levels of the company. The platform provides a forward-looking view of current and planned performance. E.ON Romania can identify emerging trends and discrepancies, and it can take corrective action when needed – before there is an impact on financial KPls.

  • Holistic View of Performance Management

    Across all levels of the company, E.ON Romania can use the platform to easily visualize and analyze performance data.

  • Clear Data Visualization

    With its user-friendly design, the platform lets E.ON Romania to easily add scorecards and strategy maps. It can then fine-tune the details of specific objectives and initiatives. Non-technical employees can easily manage the platform and keep data current. With the Corporater Business Management Platform, E.ON Romania now has a tool that meets its requirements and can be used throughout the company. It has become an integrated part of how E.ON Romania does business.

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