Business in Cartoons

Living the Strategy

involving employees in strategy plan

Are your employees living your company strategy? Do they even know what your company strategy is? If not, you are not alone. What we often hear when speaking with employees from different organizations is that they have zero clue about where their company is heading or what the plan is to get there. It’s not that employees don’t care. They’re simply not kept in the loop.

For employees to live your strategy, you must communicate it. Better yet, if it’s feasible, involve your employees in the strategy creation process. Employees will be more likely to carry out your strategy if they help to plan it.

In addition, consider these tips:

  1. Keep it simple. Articulate your strategy in the simplest way possible, so that employees can immediately understand how it works and what is expected of them.
  2. Visualize it. Design your strategic plan as an easy-to-follow roadmap that everyone has access to.
  3. Collaborate. Allow your employees to challenge you with ideas and recognize their input.
  4. Communicate. Schedule regular strategy review meetings to monitor your progress and keep everyone informed about how your numbers stack up against the plan.

Fostering a workplace environment where employees can partake in the big picture strategy planning is vital for employee buy-in. When employees get to play an active role in the development of a company strategy plan, they’re more likely to follow its steps and lead your business to successful outcomes.

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