
Part II | Dashboard vs Business Dashboard – Going beyond report based dashboards

business dashboards

This is my second blog around a new term that Corporater uses: Business Dashboard. What characterizes a dashboard? To read Part I, click here.

Report based dashboards

Dashboards are nothing more than HTML reports where you can explore a data structure or a data model. What business wants is to explore is a data model within a business model context. This is an aspect that dashboard providers have not taken into consideration. The concept of business models are not fully understood.

Business models are constantly changing, agile, descriptive in its nature, they cannot easily be stored in a column row type of database. A business model often represents an art, and modelling often involves deviating structures across divisions and units within a company. IT experts try to create business models and business processes inside traditional tools, but often come up short. It often ends up in custom solutions that are hard coded and not satisfying business stakeholders. To deliver to business, you need a business semantic modeling layer that goes beyond what report based dashboards can provide.

Corporater focuses on both the reporting side as well as the business model side. We brand our dashboards as Business Dashboards since we add this critical dimension to dashboards.