
Productive Paranoia and Business Continuity

The Corona pandemic has impacted us all. Organizations are experiencing a crisis due to loss of revenue caused by disruptions to their supply chains, markets, or delivery capabilities. Many were unprepared for the Corona pandemic, from businesses to governments and supranational bodies. This pandemic shows the importance of having a plan B, a plan C, and even a plan D for a range of different scenarios.

While Business Continuity Management is a common practice within some industries, for too many organizations it is a novel practice that seemed too costly or unnecessary until a few months ago. BCM seeks to identify the components of the business crucial to its success and build buffers to ensure resilience in case unexpected events cause a deviation from ‘business as usual’

A series of questions have already emerged that will be the source of much debate going forward. What if certain measures had been adopted sooner? What enabled certain organizations and countries to meet this challenge more effectively than others.

With a chorus of voices seeking to understand, adapt and learn from the Corona pandemic, a common question appears to be; could we, or should we have seen it coming?

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Productive Paranoia and Business Continuity


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