
Digitization and Streamlining of Corporater Governance 2017


Join Corporater at a special event on ‘Corporate Governance’ in Oslo!

Corporater is sponsoring “Digitization and Streamlining of Corporate Governance”, organized by RAV Norway AS to be held on May 16, 2017 at Oslo. The event features speakers from the Norwegian Parliament’s administration and the BI Norwegian Business School.

Attendees will get first-hand account of:

  • How the Norwegian Parliament’s administration governs their daily activities against the set goals and strategy
  • How RAV Norway successfully implements enterprise management solutions
  • Insights from Professor Bo Hjort Christensen of the BI Norwegian Business School on digitization and efficiency, and on how Norwegian companies can become even more effective amongst local and global competition

Attendees will also learn about the cooperation between RAV Norge AS and Corporater, and how RAV’s customers can benefit from this partnership.

For further information on the event, please click here