

Drive your Business Impact

Corporater Performance Management software enables you to standardize and automate your performance management processes.

Corporater Business Management Platform
Trusted by Top Organizations

Performance Management Software

Corporater Performance Management software helps automate your operational processes to achieve company-wide visibility of performance and development, higher levels of productivity, increased employee retention, and smarter KPI reporting. By clearly measuring, visualizing and communicating the holistic and individual levels of goals and performance, you can easily achieve board-level reporting, drive actions towards future development, as well as ensure strategic alignment of operations throughout the organization.

Key Benefits

Company-wide Strategic Alignment

Achieve a company-wide strategic alignment by sharing your corporate goals across your organization.

Make Smarter Decisions

Visualize, benchmark, and analyze key metrics, and make smarter decisions by working with data in its context.

Generate Powerful Reports

Proactively monitor your KPIs and distribute automated reports across your organization.

Download Performance Management Solution Brief

Automate operational processes to achieve a company-wide visibility of performance, improved productivity, and smarter KPI reporting.

Read What Analysts Say!

GRC 20/20 Solution Perspective
Corporater - Delivering an Integrated view of G[P]RC to the Enterprise

Organizations choose Corporater as they seek a single agile and integrated architecture to automate a range of GRC, performance management, and other business processes. Typical use cases for Corporater span the GRC space, and the solution is highly configurable for an organization to build its own business process/management solutions.

GRC2020 Solution Perspective

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Key Capabilities

Creative KPI Visualization

Choose from a rich library to build your dashboards.  Share insights, take action and achieve business outcomes.

KPI Drilldown

Drilldown to the lowest level of details and set up improvement projects to address problem areas.

Automated Workflows

Automate your business processes and workflows to streamline operations, increase accountability, and ensure adherence to your procedures.

Correlate Data Sources

Collect data using manual and/or automated data collection methods, combine data from multiple data sources, and format it for visualization and analysis.

Business Review Meetings

Invite participants, create and send out agenda, remind users to complete their tasks before the meeting, run your meeting in the solution, view results and drill into details, document decisions and plan the next course of action.

Strategic Objectives - A Holistic Overview

Add tasks and initiatives to your scorecards – and track and monitor their progress. Go beyond analyzing data, by adding planning and execution, to achieve business outcomes.

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