
Digitalize Your GRC Program

Business-integrated GRC or GPRC

GPRC integrates performance with GRC to enable organizations to govern, manage, and assure performance, risk, and compliance.

The GPRC Matrix

The GPRC matrix, also known as the Governance, Performance, Risk, and Compliance matrix, is a framework used to assess and manage the key aspects of an organization’s operations. It provides a holistic view of an organization’s performance by evaluating its governance practices, operational performance, risk management, and compliance with applicable regulations and standards.

The GPRC matrix emphasizes the ‘P’ in GRC, highlighting the crucial link between corporate GRC programs and business objectives, which must be measured against established corporate metrics. Neglecting this alignment can lead to an ineffective GRC program, jeopardizing overall success. Conversely, when GRC capabilities support corporate strategy and performance programs, the organization is likely to experience improved performance over time.


GPRC Matrix

Key Benefits

Unified Corporate Governance

Have a holistic overview of your people, processes, data, performance, and GRC activities.

Performance and Strategy integrated with GRC

Align your performance measures, risk management practices, and compliance efforts with your strategic objectives.

Proactive Risk Mitigation

Enable the implementation of risk management frameworks, the assessment of risk appetite, and the monitoring of key risk indicators.

Assured Compliance

Manage compliance requirements, ensure adherence to policies, and facilitate regulatory reporting.

Read What Analysts Say!

GRC 20/20 Solution Perspective
Corporater - Delivering an Integrated view of G[P]RC to the Enterprise

Organizations choose Corporater as they seek a single agile and integrated architecture to automate a range of GRC, performance management, and other business processes. Typical use cases for Corporater span the GRC space, and the solution is highly configurable for an organization to build its own business process/management solutions.

GRC 2020
Move to Integrated GPRC

With GRC maturity comes new business opportunities. Many companies are embracing the power of GPRC because they have experienced how integrated GRC can impact their performance. They are moving risk and compliance management from the back-bench to the board room in an enterprise context to achieve a holistic view of their risk profile, bridging the gap between strategy, tactics, and operational silos. Corporater enables organizations to have a complete overview of their business, create a digital twin of their organization, and operate efficiently as a connected enterprise.

Organizations worldwide can now manage their business with integrated solutions for governance, performance, risk, and compliance (GPRC) built on a single platform.

Key Capabilities

By adopting the Corporater GPRC approach for holistic and effective business management, organizations can create an integrated and mature GRC program that aligns seamlessly with their strategic objectives. Here are some of its key features:

Strategic Planning

Create and share strategic plans across all levels of your organization. Cascade strategy through your organization and align cross-functional teams to plans.

Risk Governance

Govern the overall risk management program assurance. Have control over emerging risks, threats, and opportunities across your organization.

Risk Monitoring

Monitor, evaluate, treat, and report your risks. Corporater supports quantitative and qualitative risk assessments.

Risk Analysis

Conduct risk analysis and audits, assign risk ownership, and turn bad risks into opportunities.

Risk Reporting

Generate custom risk reports and submit them through review/approval process. Include visual elements such as graphs and risk heat maps.

Risk Response

Monitor identified, residual and secondary risks, send risk responses, and take corrective action. Measure the effectiveness of your response.

Performance Management

Have a complete overview of your business performance, visualize, benchmark, and analyze key metrics, and add comments, evaluations, and assessments.

Risk-based Compliance Management

Implement multiple regulations and internal management systems, correlate compliance management control measures with risk treatment and risk control effectiveness.

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