
Ensure GDPR Compliance and Build Customer Trust.

Simplify General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance

Corporater GDPR compliance software enables organizations to centralize, organize, and manage assets, processes, workflows, and documents needed to achieve and maintain GDPR compliance.
GDPR Compliance Software

Corporater GDPR compliance software is an all-in-one digital tool that enables organizations to establish, manage, and maintain GDRP compliance. It provides your data protection officer (DPO), data controllers, compliance teams, and IT teams with a complete oversight of your privacy data activities and associated risks.

Empower your DPO to manage GDPR compliance more efficiently with Corporater built-in features and functionalities such as risk assessments, data mapping, automated workflows, audit support, compliance initiative tracking, privacy impact assessments, and third-party risk management.

Organizations can use Corporater GDPR Compliance software to:

  • Establish GDPR governance
  • Gain control over assets, processes, and services that use personal information.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities for GDPR compliance.
  • Ensure GDPR compliance by managing and maintaining policies and processes.
  • Manage data breaches, transfers, complaints, and access requests.
  • Recognize and correct non-compliant data access.
  • Foster a risk-aware culture that will help reduce the risks associated with data handling activities.

Corporater supports GDPR as well as other popular compliance standards. Built as a flexible, configurable software, Corporater enables organizations to manage compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations and security standards, such as ISO 27001, ISO 27005, ISO 27014, and others, seamlessly within the same system.

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Corporater Business Management Platform
Trusted by Top Organizations

Key Benefits

Holistic Oversight of GDPR Compliance

Use Corporater best practice GDPR dashboards to have a holistic overview of GDPR compliance.

Collaboration Between the CRO, DPO, and CISO

Corporater enables organizations to integrate risk, assets, security controls, and GDPR regulation using a single system.

Automate Your Operations

No more spreadsheets! Alleviate the administrative burden of repetitive manual tasks with Corporater process and workflow automation.

Read What Analysts Say!

GRC 20/20 Solution Perspective
Corporater - Delivering an Integrated view of G[P]RC to the Enterprise

Organizations choose Corporater as they seek a single agile and integrated architecture to automate a range of GRC, performance management, and other business processes. Typical use cases for Corporater span the GRC space, and the solution is highly configurable for an organization to build its own business process/management solutions.

GRC 2020 Solution Perspective Corporater 2024

Key Capabilities

Risk Identification

Continuously identify risks in various ways — from forms, data integrations, or user input — and record them in a centralized risk register (risk inventory).

DPO Dashboards

Create custom Data Protection Officer (DPO) dashboards to display relevant information, key performance indicators aggregated from across the organization on data items such as no. of breaches, departmental compliance to data protection requirements, etc.

Incident Management

Establish and automate incident management processes to minimize adverse impacts on your organization. Monitor, report, and resolve incidents.

Risk Assessments

Assess, evaluate, respond, treat, and report your risks. Corporater supports quantitative and qualitative risk assessments.

Audit-ready Compliance Reports

Have a clear audit trail with a detailed audit log and version control. Generate comprehensive compliance audit reports, and automate their deployment to specified stakeholders on a periodic basis.

Alerts & Notifications

Create custom alerts to notify key stakeholders when a KPI moves above or below a specified threshold, when a goal is reached, or when a new issue arises.

Download GDPR Compliance Managment Solution Brief

Keep your customer data safe and protected, manage data security, and ensure continued compliance with GDPR requirements.

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