KPI Software


KPIs, Dashboards and Analytics in One Place

Corporater KPI Software measures and tracks an organization’s performance and progress towards its set goals and objectives.
KPI Software

Corporater KPI Software solution enables organizations to ensure strategy alignment, continuous performance improvement, and precise reporting. You may define custom KPIs and metrics, set goals and objectives, conduct reviews, analyze data insights, and generate comprehensive reports. All workflows can be customized and automated precisely per your organization’s requirements.

Measure business performance across different organizational levels, create and optimize KPIs over time, and keep everyone connected to the organization’s strategy. Using dynamic dashboards, easily navigate across business units and reporting periods. Whether you are measuring organizational performance, objectives, goals, risks, financial resources, projects, or plans, Corporater can enable you to deliver the full story.

Key Features

  • Visualize KPIs and metrics as interactive charts and graphs
  • Identify trends, conduct KPI drill-downs
  • Display KPIs in a KPI hierarchy, value driver trees, or on strategy maps
  • Create single-team or cross-functional overviews
  • Control user access to selected dashboards with access control
  • Fully customizable, user-friendly, and intuitive to use

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Corporater Business Management Platform
Trusted by Top Organizations

Key Benefits

Link KPIs With Initiatives

Link activities, initiatives and projects to KPIs to close performance gaps. Provide decision support using underlying data.

Detailed Analysis

Drill into KPI details, create reports and measure all aspects of KPI metrics in one location.

Contextual Analytics

Integrate data from multiple data sources into a single system, and analyze within its business context to discover deeper insights.

Read What Analysts Say!

GRC 20/20 Solution Perspective
Corporater - Delivering an Integrated view of G[P]RC to the Enterprise

Organizations choose Corporater as they seek a single agile and integrated architecture to automate a range of GRC, performance management, and other business processes. Typical use cases for Corporater span the GRC space, and the solution is highly configurable for an organization to build its own business process/management solutions.

GRC2020 Solution Perspective

Key Capabilities

Creative KPI Visualization

Choose from a rich library to build your dashboards.  Share insights, take action and achieve business outcomes.

KPI Drilldown

Drilldown to the lowest level of details and set up improvement projects to address problem areas.

KPI Alerts & Notifications

Corporater’s workflow engine provides alerts, notifications and other automated actions based on your business rules.

Integrate Risk Management

Corporater provides the ability to assess and treat the risk factors that can impact performance.

KPI Tracking

Define and monitor key performance indicators to track the progress and performance of various aspects of your business organization.

Goal Setting and Alignment

Set specific goals and targets within the software and align them with your organization’s overall objectives.

Download Corporater KPIs, Dashboards, and Analytics Solution Brief

With Corporater, you can visualize, benchmark, and analyze critical management information within business context, compare KPIs with strategic objectives, and take action that drives measurable business outcomes.

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